Episode 1, “Multiples of Stupor”
April 8th, 8 PM
@Everywhere, Instagram TV
📲Film Screening and After-Party with Q&A Session
Episode 1, “Multiples of Stupor”, is about the physicality of remembering. It draws on the following quote by artist Abi Palmer:
“The next day I lay down for a rest to think about what had happened. It was very hot. I lay down and my body climbed out of itself. I was floating three feet above my own body. It was the middle of the day and suddenly I was floating around.
I had a sense of wonder at being able to move so freely, untethered from the earth. We had these very old wooden floors, and I was floating over them, three feet above the ground, looking at things in my room. I felt so incredibly hot. Every inch of my body was on fire, like there were bubbles coming from out of me. I was so hot. I picked up a glass to drink and the water turned to steam and evaporated from my tongue.
I tried to ask for help and couldn’t move. I became aware of my other body, earthbound and paralysed on the bed. I kept jumping between bodies. I tried to scream. I couldn’t. I tried to drink and it kept evaporating, over and over again.”
“Buildings, Bodies, and Broken Hearts” is a five-episode Instagram mini-story explored through video, audio, and text. Through each episode, I react to performance artist Abi Palmer's new book, Sanatorium (2020, Penned in the Margins), while reflecting on my own work, quarantine, and my state of being post-breakup. It also draws on the work of architectural historian and filmmaker Anna Andersen. Each episode is posted one day after another, from April 8th-12th 2020. Individual episode descriptions and details can be found on my Calendar page, and viewed on Instagram.