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Los Sites: Spatial Speculations of Queer San Juan

February 7-27, 2019

Opening: February 7, Thursday, 6:30PM-9PM

@Galería Torres-Martinó, School of Architecture, University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras

'Los Sites: Spatial Speculations of Queer San Juan' is a Work in Progress Show showcasing a series of queer sites in Puerto Rico conceptualized as architectural models and drawings. Through these design exercises, a series of interviews with queer Puerto Ricans, and by drawing on auto ethnographic references, my ongoing research attempts to fill a void in the island’s architectural and urban discourse and its relation to the LGBTQ community.

Please join me on opening night with music and drinks. The show is open to all identities, genders, sexualities, ethnicities, bodies and affiliations. RSVP here.

*This research project is generously fully funded by the Fondos Institucionales para la Investigación at the University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras.