@dining room table, a high floor, apartment, San Juan, Puerto Rico
I am currently looking to take on Doctoral and Masters students from different universities who are starting their dissertations. I welcome students from all cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, and genders, as well as students from across different faculties and disciplines, particularly Architecture, Urban Theory, Queer Studies and Media, Gender Studies, Digital Culture, Geography, and Publishing. I am interested in students working in any number of the following topics:
Mobile Technologies/Tecnologías Móviles
Digital Interfaces/Interfaces Digitales
Please get in touch via email: regner.ramos@upr.edu
Below is a list of my current and completed dissertation projects with different students. To see more of what I've been working on, visit my Instagram: @regner.xyz
Primary Advisory:
🚽“Relics of Discrimination: The Public Restroom as an Architectural Barrier for Non-Binary People” (working title), Reily Joel Calderón-Rivera. School of Architecture, Universidad de Puerto Rico. Ongoing.
➕“Remembering the Forgotten: Essays on Memorial Crosses on the Roads of Puerto Rico” (working title), José Néstor Rodríguez. School of Architecture, Universidad de Puerto Rico. Ongoing.
⏳“Autobiography in Architecture” (working title), Michelle Pérez-Alemañy. School of Architecture, Universidad de Puerto Rico. Ongoing.
Secondary Advisory:
🕯“What Is Queer May Never Die”, Kleanthis Kyriakou. University of the Arts London - Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. Ongoing.
🏝“Towards a Theory of Worldmaking: Archipelagic Thought, Relation, and Chronotope”, Abner A. Fernández Malavé. Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Puerto Rico. Ongoing.
🛸“Arquitectura y cine: La construcción visual y emocional de las imágenes a través de escenografía en la ciencia ficción”, Edward Ramírez Saez. School of Architecture, Universidad de Puerto Rico. 2018-2020.
🗞“Arquitectura Narrativa: De las letras al proyecto. Palimpsesto de una historia urbana”, Yadariz Ramos Hernández. School of Architecture, Universidad de Puerto Rico. 2018-2019.
🖼“Arquitectura + Instagram: El uso de la red social Instagram en el proceso de diseño para la creación de espacios comerciales”, Fabiola Arroyo. School of Architecture, Universidad de Puerto Rico. 2017-2018.